Epidemiologist - Academic Associate (External Collaborator, Unpaid voluntary contribution)

Elena Riza

Dr Elena Riza is a trained epidemiologist with a strong background in Public Health Medicine. She holds a Master's degree in Public Health (MPH- University of Dundee) and a doctoral degree (PhD) in cancer epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London. She has been involved in various epidemiological studies mostly on breast and cervical cancer resulting in a series of scientific articles. Moreover, she has contributed in the design and implementation of numerous European projects on health promotion, health education campaigns and vocational training. As part of the Institute's research team she has co-authored several scientific publications and legislative work including the Greek Edition of the European Code Against Cancer and a Council Directive on the Health and Safety of pregnant and breast feeding women at work. She has served as project epidemiologist and scientific advisor to the Ormylia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Programmes (Halkidiki-Greece). She has developed course educational material and core curriculum for health professionals in cancer screening programmes, was a member of the EU's group developing the epidemiological guidelines for breast cancer screening and participates as a country expert in several European projects (cancer monitoring, assessment of cancer indicators, pharmacoepidemiology). Her current post is with the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, University of Athens Medical School.