Program duration: 01/11/2022 - 31/10/2024
MENTOR+ (Multidimensional and transversal well-being program for Tele-working) is a two-year program (01/11/2022 – 31/10/2024), funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking has become an increasingly common modality used by companies, leading to risks of exacerbating pre-existing inequalities and neglecting health and safety requirements to ensure workers’ psychophysical wellbeing.
MENTOR+’s main objective is to enhance the awareness and knowledge of employees on approaches to well-being in teleworking, focusing on the repercussions of social isolation on people’s health at the psychological, physical, and nutritional levels.
Within the framework of MENTOR+, a comprehensive program for self-led physical, mental, and diet-related exercises will be developed, along with innovative formative and training content pertaining to well-being in teleworking environments. To provide a solid scientific foundation, the program will be based on the co-creation methodology, through which the target groups will directly express their needs and actively participate in the definition of the contents, with the assistance of external experts from the OSH fields.
To collect, upload, and share all the formative contents of the Well-Being Program, an especially designed open-access app (MENTOR+ app) will be developed. The app will serve as a catalyst for lifelong learning and will improve adult employees’ digital competencies. The utilization of the inputs and data gathered will increase its usability and perceived usefulness, thereby favoring further adoption.
The consortium consists of 4 organizations from 3 countries: Italy, Greece and Spain.
Contact info:
Ioanna Zygouri, PhD:
Social IT Software & Consulting SRL
Program Partners:
Prolepsis Institute
Am.ic.a Società Cooperativa Sociale
Universitat de Valencia
Programme’s web-page:
Facebook: @mentoreuproject