Training for health professionals

Within the national and European programs framework, the Institute has designed, organized and implemented a plethora of trainings for health professionals. A few examples can be found below:

Development of a toolkit and implementation of educational actions aiming for the promotion of vaccination coverage for health professionals.

Within the framework of the European program HProlmmune a useful educational toolkit (pamphlets, instructions, presentations etc.) was developed, aiming for the promotion of vaccination coverage for health professionals. The toolkit concerns specific infectious diseases including influenza and is addressed with an appropriately modified content:

  • to private doctors,
  • to health professionals in hospitals,
  • to public health professionals,
  • as well as to administrative staff of the sector

It is available in 7 languages and its content keeps raising awareness and guiding health professionals in vaccination coverage issues.


Development of educational material and implementation of educational actions for the improvement of communication skills of health professionals.

Within the Health Communication Training for Health Professionals –H-COM framework, educational materials were developed and educational seminars were implemented, which aimed for the improvement of communication, between health professionals and patients as well as between health professionals of various specializations.

At the same time, the e-learning platform that has been developed is available on the website, training and providing answers to hundreds of health professionals for various health communication issues.

Organization of educational seminars in collaboration with USA Universities.

For a number of years, the Institute has organized seminars for doctors of different specializations with the topic of composing scientific papers titled “Medical Writing Seminar”, with accreditation from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and lecturing Professors of Harvard University.

Development of educational materials and implementation of educational actions to improve the skills of Health Professionals in the Workplace.

Aiming to improve the skills of European Health Professionals in the Workplace and to cover the needs of the elderly work force, the European E-CAPACIT8 – Strengthening occupational health professionals’ capacities to improve the health of the ageing workforces was implemented, to which the Prolepsis Institute participated as a partner (2008-2013).

The educational material developed within the E-CAPACIT8 framework is addressed, with an appropriately modified content, to the medical and nursing staff of the work place, to work psychologists, security technicians, ergonomists, administrative staff etc. Read more here.

Training of health professionals in hygiene and safety issues in the agricultural sector

The promotion of Health and Safety of the workers lies in the center of Prolepsis Institutes’ interest. Especially for the issue of the health of farmers, who constitute the backbone of primary production, the Prolepsis Institute has implemented in the past research and applied programs aiming to safeguard their health from pesticides. During the two-year period 2016-2018 it participated as a partner in the educational program AGROSH+, which focused on the education of work doctors and security technicians in issues of work Health and Safety which concern the agricultural sector.

Training and instruction of health professionals in providing specialized sanitary care to children of refugees and immigrants.


Children of refugees and immigrants are particularly vulnerable during all stages of the trip to the host country, as well as the conditions of the host country. The instruction of health professionals in topics such as providing specialized sanitary care to children of refugees and immigrants constitutes the aim of the European program EU-VET CARE project: Strengthening capacities for better health care to refugee and migrant children, Erasmus +, to which the Prolepsis Institute acts as a partner.


Development of educational packet for strengthening the skill of recognizing new threats to public health from European health professionals.

In order to improve the skills of the health professionals in immediately recognizing, after a clinical examination, and dealing with new threats to public health that arise from deliberate actions, such as attacks with biological, chemical, and radioactive factors, the educational program European Training of Health Professionals on Rapid Response to Health Threats – ETHREAT (2005-2008) was implemented. Within the ETHREAT framework, among others, a common European packet and a guide for reinforcing the recognition and response of the health professionals to new public health threats were developed.

Development of an educational tool to inform, report and compare information related to the content of the initial training and the vocational training in Public Health in member states of the European Union.

The content of the initial training and vocational training in Public Health in member states of the European Union was analyzed within the framework of the two-year (2000-2002) program Content of Initial and Vocational Training in Public Health in European Member States – CIVOT where the Prolepsis Institute was a collaborating body. In the program, a specialized methodology was used for the collection of comparative data from a large number of educational institutions which teach the subject of Public Health. We recognized and communicated with 389 Educational Institutions related to Public Health in 18 European countries.

Organization and implementation of educational satellite symposium aiming to educate the health professionals in cancer prevention.

The European Code Against Cancer-Greek Edition, 1995 / Satellite symposium to the 21st Panhellenic Medical Conference, which was implemented in collaboration with the European Union as part of the wider program, “Europe Against Cancer”, entailed the organization of a satellite symposium within the framework of the 21st Panhellenic Medical Conference.

  • During the symposium whose objective was the education of health professionals in cancer prevention, Greek specialists presented and analyzed the European Code against cancer.
  • The Code was translated in Greek and the Greek edition was distributed to health officers aiming for the improvement of their awareness in primary cancer prevention.